Kinross Wolaroi School is a co-educational school catering for students from K-year 12. The school is located in Orange, NSW and offers both day and boarding facilities.
Welding Facility
A new welding facility was constructed for the school incorporating a bespoke displacement system. The system was far superior than the conventional extraction hoods and promoted a more open plan facility with less restriction in operation. The system mirrored a high end manufacturing facility providing tempered air for occupant comfort and creating natural vertical buoyancy forces to assist in extraction.
Central Heating System – School Auditorium
The heating system and air distribution of the school auditorium was modified considerably to enable the space to heat more efficiently and effectively during the winter months. Prior to the works the auditorium would operate the gas fired boiler for hours prior to occupancy only to find the temperature of the occupied zone would not increase beyond 15°C. With a boiler of equal capacity and redesigned airflow, the auditorium could be heated to 21.5°C within 60 minutes during the winter period.
Central Heating System – Boarding Houses
The centralised heating and hydronic water system for three boarding houses and a school hall was upgraded (Miller, Loader, New and Dorothy Knox Hall). The new heating plants also provided heating for the boarding houses domestic hot water system.